As we know, MagHealy is a device that, like Healy, is portable and produces positive effects on physical and mental health through the emission of specific frequencies that bring well-being.
In the case of MagHealy, this is achieved through magnetic fields that cause a positive influence on people, plants and animals that are within the radius of action of the device.
It should be clarified that a magnetic field is produced by electrically charged objects. Therefore, magnetic and electrical properties are always related.
The energy that travels or propagates is called the electromagnetic spectrum, and there are a large number of electromagnetic radiations from both natural and human-made sources.
The earth’s magnetic field is an example of a natural electromagnetic field, while those generated by electrical systems, WiFi modems and remotes are some of those from artificial sources.
As Albert Einstein deduced, matter and energy are different forms of the same thing, and can neither be created nor destroyed. Therefore, all electromagnetic fields have an effect on matter.
In fact, all of our lives are affected by the constant magnetic and electromagnetic interaction between the earth and space. For even our bodies respond to changes in solar and geomagnetic activity.
Also, processes such as digestion, brain activity, heart function and the functioning of the nervous system occur in the body due to the redistribution of charged particles.
How MagHealy works
MagHealy generates two independent frequency-modulated magnetic fields with the help of two flat coils combined with frequency generators. In order to generate a positive effect around them.
MagHealy’s operation is based on the Frequency Specific Microcurrent (FSM) method studied and developed by the American researcher and chiropractor Carolyn McMakin.
FSM makes use of two parallel stimulation outputs. Each frequency combination consists of two frequencies between 0.1 Hertz and 1,000 Hertz, which are transmitted to the body through two channels.
The frequency of the first channel indicates an imbalance of the bioenergetic field, and the frequency of the second channel signals a specific target or area. The combination of these two frequencies has a different effect on the body than that caused by a single frequency.
It is important to note that MagHealy acts as a complement to Healy. Because while Healy focuses on the bioenergetic field of the person, MagHealy also harmonizes the space around it, emitting a pulsating magnetic field.
MagHealy modules and how to get the most out of them
MagHealy has four modules; McMakin, Water, Classic and Atmosphere. Each has a variety of programs for different objectives. But all of them will be of great help to enhance your well-being and that of your environment.
McMakin Module
This module contains programs with predefined frequency combinations developed by Dr. Carolyn McMakin, which are executed as a protocol for a certain period of time.
These programs have proven highly effective in addressing imbalances in the bioenergetic field. Especially in situations of stress, anxiety or other types of emotional problems.
Classical Module
The programs in this module offer the benefits of the application of magnetic fields. But enhanced with Healy’s technology. They use quantum analyzed frequencies (QAF) determined by biofeedback, developed by Healy.
These programs are adaptable to many situations, so they will be of great help to improve your environment almost anywhere you are.
For example, one way to take advantage of it is to use it during physical training to optimize the benefits of exercise. You can also place it on your bedside table to enjoy a peaceful night’s sleep and restful rest.
Atmosphere Module
MagHealy’s Atmosphere module includes a total of 24 programs. These are specially designed to boost your energy and productivity while carrying out your activities.
The MagHealy’s quantum analyzed frequencies (QAF) are emitted in an extended magnetic field that moves through space, benefiting your environment with harmonious and revitalizing energy.
Place your MagHealy on your desk while performing your tasks, or in the center during a meeting with your team of partners or clients to foster creativity and better understanding among participants.
Water Module
Magnetic fields also have an effect on water. As suggested by the work of immunologist Jacques Benveniste, later continued at the experimental level by Luc Montaigner and Francis Beauvais.
These important investigations revealed that it is possible to generate electromagnetic information by means of low-frequency electromagnetic waves in water nanostructures.
In other words, in addition to the fact that water has a specific frequency spectrum that has made it possible for life to develop on our planet Earth, water acts as an information field.
The Water module contains a total of 24 programs to influence drinking water. With which the vital liquid is activated by means of magnetic fields of quantum frequencies analyzed and emitted by MagHealy.
As you know, it is essential to keep ourselves sufficiently hydrated in order to ensure the proper functioning of our body. But with MagHealy, you can also activate and energize the water consumed in your home to achieve even greater well-being.
In addition, this harmonized water with MagHealy can also be used to water your plants or hydrate your pets. This will benefit all living things around you.
Don’t have your MagHealy yet? Then don’t wait any longer to get yours and start enjoying its extraordinary benefits.