How Healy’s Resonance Analysis works
We know that Healy is an innovative device, as well as an effective tool to support our physical and emotional well-being. It helps us restore bioenergetic balance through the use of frequencies, vibrations and microcurrents.
While all Healy editions offer excellent benefits, and contribute significantly to our well-being in many ways, it is the Resonance and Professional editions that allow resonance analysis.
In these editions, and with the application of the blue dot as an interface, we also have access to aura and orientation analysis. However, this time we will talk specifically about resonance analysis.
Let’s remember that thanks to its quantum sensor, Healy is able to measure our vibratory frequency, and based on this reading, suggest the specific frequency or microcurrent programs required to restore the detected bioenergetic imbalances.
This is how this wonderful device uses personalized and precise frequencies for the energetic alignment of both body and mind. Thus restoring overall wellness and vitality.
As the name suggests, the resonance analysis performs a review to determine or select which are the frequencies the person analyzed is resonating with. The analysis will show the frequencies the person need the most, in an integral way.
One of the main and major advantages provided by Healy is that it is possible to perform the resonance analysis on a person even if he/she is not physically present. Also, the frequencies that they need can be sent to them remotely.
This represents an enormous benefit for all those people who, for reasons of disability or physical limitation, or distance or time restrictions, cannot travel to receive treatment.
How is a Resonance Analysis done in Healy?
To do a Resonance analysis, we will use the blue dot application. In which you can create clients by entering the requested personal data or choose and/or edit any of the previously created clients.
Creating a new client simply consists of selecting the type of client from a list that includes person, animal, plant, organization, building, vehicle, group or other. Then enter the corresponding data.
Next we must enter first name, last name, date of birth and place of birth. These data are mandatory in order to carry out the analysis. Then we proceed to record the vibration by tapping on the ‘+’ symbol.
Then we must enter what is our approach or intention regarding the analysis we are going to do, and we continue with the selection of databases. Then the list of modules containing all available Healy programs will be displayed.
In this step we can select the specific module depending on our approach or intention. We can also see the list of programs included in each group by clicking on the blue circle with the letter “i” displayed on the right side of each module.
In any case, the system will choose the most relevant programs. That is, those with which the analyzed person has a higher resonance, because they include the frequencies that he/she requires to harmonize his/her bioenergetic field.
How to deepen the Resonance Analysis
As explained above, Healy’s resonance analysis results in a list of the most relevant programs, showing the percentage of that relevance.
A percentage of more than 50% indicates a high resonance of the person with the program specified by the application. Therefore, the higher the percentage, the more important or priority they are considered to be.
It is worth mentioning that another advantage of this Healy function is that it allows us to generate a report or document in PDF format with the detailed information of the analysis.
This report can be shared via email or WhatsApp, and can be very useful to make a better interpretation of the results and get a better understanding of our physical and mental state.
In addition, this also makes it easier for us to track our progress, and also to have the relevant information to deepen the treatment of certain problems or ailments, especially chronic ones.
After we perform a general resonance analysis, we can perform a new analysis by selecting the specific module to which the program with the highest resonance from the first analysis belongs.
For example, let’s assume that after the general analysis, the results show us that the module with the highest percentage of relevance is Healy Fitness Programs.
Then, after vibrating the respective frequencies for the recommended time, we can perform a new analysis, but this time selecting Healy Fitness Programs instead of all Healy programs.
The new analysis will provide us with the sub-programs of this module with which we resonate the most, and then we vibrate the respective frequencies again.
Also, from the results yielded by the resonance analysis, we can turn to the pink dot application, to apply the corresponding microcurrent programs indicated.