Starting with the Healy Resonance Plus edition, we have the possibility to do an aura analysis. This allows you to analyze the programming, patterns or beliefs that consciously or consciously limit one or more aspects of your life.
Thanks to its resonance sensor, Healy is able to identify those beliefs that block you and determine how deeply rooted they are in your consciousness. In addition to sending you the appropriate frequencies to dissolve them so that you can flow in harmony.
Remember that the human being is much more than a physical body. It is also made up of other aspects: mental, emotional, spiritual and energetic. The aura is precisely the vital energetic plane that surrounds us and all matter.
The aura has common properties, such as color, luminosity, shape and clarity. But also others that are specific to each being or thing, depending on its own frequency of vibration.
The auric field is as it is commonly called the energy system of a person, and consists of seven chakras and seven energy bodies that are responsible for assimilating the different types of energy that are processed at each level.
The auric field of each individual functions in resonance with the environment, so that it constantly interacts, not only with other living beings but also with the divinity. Providing and taking energy and information from other surrounding fields.
The chakras are a kind of energetic whirlwinds or energy centers that are arranged along the spine. They are distributed from the head to the coccyx, and provide energies that complement and interact with those received by the layers of the aura.
What does Healy’s aura analysis consist of?
There are many people who have or develop a certain ability to detect and “read” the aura. This is because the aura radiates from the physical body to several meters outside of it and can provide information about a person’s energetic and emotional state.
However, for many people all this goes unnoticed and for some, even if they have a certain level of sensitivity, it still requires a lot of practice and constant training to achieve results.
But with the advances in science and technology, today we have revolutionary devices such as Healy. It is capable of reading the aura with a rigorous and surprising accuracy.
In this way, incredible discoveries about quantum physics and the use of frequencies to balance energetic imbalances, which until recently were available to very few, are now available to everyone thanks to Healy.
In addition to all its extraordinary benefits that we already know, it is also an extraordinary tool for the alignment of the chakras and the strengthening of our aura.
How Healy’s aura analysis works
When we enter the aura analysis option in the application, you must enter the data of the person who is being scanned, as well as their respective photo. After which you should proceed to record the aura.
Once the recording is finished, we can enter the “interpretation” option to access information about the meaning of each chakra in the energy level shown by the analysis, as well as general aspects of each one.
In the analysis part, we can visualize a graph of the energy levels of each chakra, and mark by default the three with the lowest levels. This can be modified, either by adding or unchecking according to our desire.
Before starting the analysis it is necessary to enter the focus, or the intention of what you want to achieve, for example “My aura is strong and stable”.
It should also be noted that the application offers you the option to activate the negative relevances that by default are deactivated. In this case, it will usually provide you with information about the ancestors from which the limiting belief or unfavorable action comes from.
Then we start the analysis. Then the app will give us a complete customized report with the results obtained. This can be generated in a PDF document to, for example, send it by email.
The next step is to apply the frequencies you need to harmonize your chakras. To do this you must click on vibrate and select the time of application of the treatment. For example, if you do not have a serious condition, you can select 37 seconds.
In this case it is recommended to apply the frequencies between six and eight times a day. While in cases of chronic conditions, the duration should be 2 minutes 49 seconds, two to three times per day.
Interpretation of the relevance of the results
In the header of each message displayed in the report, certain values appear whose purpose is to indicate its level of relevance. In other words, they help to obtain a better interpretation of what they mean.
The first value to be observed is a percentage. This indicates the level or degree of accuracy between the message in the Healy database, and its correspondence with the results of the person’s reading.
The next value indicates the Level of intensity of the blockage. This value is on a scale from 1 to 10. The higher the value, the greater the difficulty in releasing the blockage referred to in the message, and therefore it should be given priority.
The next parameter has to do with the dilution levels, which can be three. In the case of 1, it can take the values LM, C and D, depending on whether it is an erroneous belief system, an unexpressed emotional charge, or a physical situation due to something repressed for a long time.
At Dilution Level 2, the possible values range from 1-60, 100-400, 1000-2000 and 10,000-100,000. This will depend on whether it is an inconsistency of actions, thinking, lifestyle, or life issue, respectively.
Finally, at Dilution Level 3, the options are 1E6, when the issue is karmic, 1E12 if it is familial and comes from parents, 1E24 if it is familial and comes from grandparents, or 1E36 if it comes from ancestors.