Healy World represents an excellent business opportunity for those who wish to generate extra income and/or build a successful career within the company.
When you become an independent Healy member, while enjoying and sharing the benefits of this extraordinary and revolutionary technology, you also boost your economic growth and development.
This is thanks to an attractive compensation plan designed by Healy World to help you achieve your financial goals according to your level of commitment, perseverance and dedication.
Direct Bonus
As contemplated in Healy’s compensation plan, there are several bonuses that we can get depending on the amount of sales and rank advancements of our own and our team members.
However, the first bonus that we must study and understand thoroughly is the direct bonus. This is the first bonus we get after becoming independent members and making our first sales.
The direct bonus is therefore the most direct way in which Healy World rewards you for sharing or spreading the word about its products, and making them transform the lives of more and more people around the world.
In addition, we continue to earn the direct bonus regardless of the title or rank we have achieved, and the amount earned for this concept will be added to the other bonuses as we meet the respective conditions to achieve them.
How the direct bonus is calculated
The direct bonus corresponds to a percentage that can be 20%, 35% and 40% depending on the amount of points obtained for the sales generated in the course of a month.
The amount of points we get for the sale of a device depends on its price. This means that the points may vary from one month to another because the company continuously offers discounts and promotions that cause price changes.
The amount of points corresponds to half of the absolute value of its price in dollars, for example, if in a certain month the Holistic edition has a price of 1000 dollars, the amount of points obtained for its sale will be 500 QV.
The sum of the points of all your sales in a month corresponds to what is called Device Personal Volume (DVP). This is a very important parameter because it will determine the percentage of your direct bonus.
– If your DVP is between 1 and 1,999, the percentage of the direct bonus will be 20%.
– If your DVP is between 2,000-3,499, the direct bonus percentage will be 35%.
– If your DVP is 3,500 or more, the direct bonus percentage will be 40%.
Clearly this is an excellent incentive to make as many sales as possible. The more points you accumulate, the greater the reward.
An important point to mention is that, regardless of whether you have managed to earn a percentage of 35% or 40%, you will receive the 20% payment on a weekly basis according to your sales. While the difference will be paid to you on a monthly basis.
Healy Ranks
While the direct bonus is an excellent way to generate income, it is also important to build a good team. Not only will this significantly increase your earnings, but it will also make your business a sustainable source of income over time.
As you incorporate more people to your network, and support them to reach their own goals, you will also be growing, because you will be reaching new titles and attractive bonuses that will allow you to prosper and improve your quality of life.
The ranks or titles you can achieve within Healy are divided into three main phases:
Phase 1
– Independent Healy World Member (IHWM)
– Active Member (ACT)
– Builder (BLD)
– Senior Builder (SBLD)
– Executive Builder (EBLD)
Phase 2
– Team Manager
– Senior Team Manager
– Executive Team Manager (ETM)
Phase 3
– Director (DIR)
– Senior Director (SDIR)
– Executive Director (EDIR)
– Vice President (VP)
– Senior Vice President (EVP)
– Executive Vice President (EVP)
– President (PRES)
– Senior President (SPRES)
– Executive President (EPRES)
It should be clarified that at the moment of your affiliation, you automatically start with the rank of Independent Healy World Member. In other words, the only requirement for this title is membership.
What is required to achieve each rank
Active Member (ACT)
To have the rank of Active Member (ACT) a member must have three months Rolling Device Points (RDP), that is, they must have sold a Healy device to a client or independent member of level 1.
Builder (BLD)
The rank of Builder is achieved when an independent member achieves a three-month Rolling Device Points (RDP) and also accumulates at least 500 points in your Downline Volume (DV), which corresponds to the total Qualifying Volume (QV) of the devices sold by you, your clients and the members of your Enrrollment Genealogy, that is, by your entire team.
Senior Builder (SBLD)
When, in addition to a three-month Rolling Device Points (RDP), an independent member has at least 1,250 points in their Downline Volume (DV), then their achieved rank is Senior Builder (SDLD).
Executive Builder (EBLD)
The rank of Executive Builder (EBLD) is obtained when an independent member of Healy World achieves a Rolling Device Points (RDP) and also a Downline Volume of 2500 QV points.
Team Manager
To achieve the title of Team Manager, an independent member of Healy must achieve Rolling Device Points (RDP), a Downline Volume of 2,500 points, and 500 points in the two strongest legs (left and right) of the personal genealogy.
Senior Team Manager
The rank of Senior Team Manager corresponds to an independent member of Healy who achieves a Rolling Device Points (RDP), a Downline Volume of 4,000 points, and 1,000 points in the two strongest legs (left and right) of the personal genealogy.
Executive Team Manager (ETM)
If an independent member of Healy achieves a Rolling Device Points (RDP), a Downline Volume of 7,000 points, 2,000 points in the two strongest legs (right and left) of their personal genealogy and outside volume (OV), which corresponds to the Downline Volume (DV) outside of the two largest brackets including your Personal Qualifying Volume (PQV).
Requirements for third phase ranks
Range | Requirements |
Director (DIR) | 1 RDP, 13000 DV, 3500 in its two strongest tranches and 1950 OV |
Senior Director (SDIR) | 1 RDP, 25000 DV, 6000 in its two strongest sections and 3750 OV |
Executive Director (EDIR) | 1 RDP, 50000 DV, 12000 in its two strongest sections and 7500 OV |
Vice President (VP) | 1 RDP, 100000 DV, 20000 in its two strongest tranches, 15000 OV and NewGenQ |
Senior Vice President (SVP) | 1 RDP, 200000 DV, 35000 in its two strongest tranches, 30000 OV and NewGenQ |
Executive Vice President (EVP) | 1 RDP, 400000 DV, 66000 in its two strongest tranches, 60000 OV and NewGenQ |
President (PRES) | 1 RDP, 800000 DV, 130000 in its two strongest tranches, 120000 OV and NewGenQ |
Senior President (SPRES) | 1 RDP, 1600000 DV, 260000 in its two strongest tranches, 240000 OV and NewGenQ |
Executive President (EPRES) | 1 RDP, 3500000 DV, 570000 in its two strongest tranches, 525000 OV and NewGenQ |
It should be noted that to advance to the rank of Vice President or higher, it is necessary to have a new first generation ETM or a new first generation EDIR at least once every 12 months.
A new first generation is an independent member of Healy who achieves one of the generation titles they did not have in the previous month, provided there are no other IHWMs with an equal or higher generation title by the time the generation title is achieved.