You are probably familiar with all that Healy can do to harmonize your bioenergetic field, support your health and enhance your physical and mental well-being. But did you know that Healy can also be a wonderful coaching tool? (Healy Coaching)
First of all, it is important to mention that coaching is a process of accompaniment that promotes self-knowledge, as well as the development of skills that allow us to make positive changes in different aspects of life.
Many times we feel that our goals are becoming increasingly difficult or unattainable, and sometimes we are not even aware of what are the aspects that continually affect us and prevent us from reaching our full potential.
Coaching professionals are basically dedicated to providing support and guidance to people, so they can find the answers to their questions, as well as the reasons or causes of their mental blocks and help them overcome them.
But what would you think if we told you that Healy can provide you with precisely this? Well, this extraordinary device offers you the possibility to make an analysis to identify those issues inside you that somehow make you feel stuck.
In addition to this, it can also emit the appropriate frequencies to work through all these imbalances, and gain more clarity and/or new perspectives. This will allow you to make more conscious decisions about actions that will help you move forward.
It is exactly for this purpose that Healy’s HealAdvisor and Analyse App modules were developed. To help you overcome obstacles so that you can achieve the goals of success and happiness you desire in your life.
How Healy’s Coaching Modules work
The technology employed by Healy is based on research about the information field led by one of Healy’s founders, German researcher Marcus Schmieke.
He has built on the findings of scientists such as David Bohm and Anton Zeilinger, and has made significant advances in harnessing the principle of quantum entanglement to develop the revolutionary technology behind Healy.
According to these studies, all our mental and emotional problems are stored in a global information field. With which it is possible to communicate to extract or identify data in order to harmonize them.
It is important to mention that prior to the analysis we must define what is the objective we intend to achieve. At this point, we must try to be specific and approach it in a positive way.
This means that instead of “I want to earn more money” we should say “I am thankful that my income increases by 20%” every month, or instead of saying “I do not want more debts” you can say “I am thankful that I pay my obligations in an easy way”.
It should be clarified that science does not recognize the existence of information fields nor their relevance due to the lack of scientific evidence. Therefore, the terms used in the databases and modules are intended to exert a positive mental influence comparable to affirmations.
How to use the Coaching Module
Healy’s coaching module is also called the manifested. It is a powerful tool for achieving all kinds of personal and professional goals. It helps us to identify and release mental and emotional blocks.
Healy Coaching is available in Healy Resonance Plus and Professional editions. With which we can visualize the orientation analysis option in the blue application, and whose interface works in a similar way to the aura analysis.
Profile and Focus
Once the focus analysis has been selected, we can create the profile of the person to whom we are going to apply the analysis by entering his or her data and photo, or by selecting the person if he or she is already registered in the existing list.
Subsequently, we must enter the focus. This is nothing more than the objective that the person under analysis wants to achieve. At this point it is important that this approach is formulated in the present tense, and also that it is clear, precise and positive.
An example of an approach related to finances could be something like “Thank the divinity because I earn two thousand dollars a month, working in something that I like and fills me with satisfaction”.
We then tap on “Continue with database selection”, after which a list of options will be displayed, including Self-Esteem, Career, Emotional Balance, Spirituality, Finances, Goals, Potentials, Family Relationships, and Personal Relationships.
It is important to note that each of the aspects indicates in parentheses the number of such problems found in the database. But we can indicate how many of those we want to visualize.
We can also visualize the subtopics of each one by clicking on the arrow on the right. For example, if we enter career, three linked aspects are displayed which are: self-affirmation and self-confidence, Resolution of stress factors, profession and work, and talents.
In this case we can select the aspects that are more related to the objective or focus. That is, as in this case the objective has to do with income, we could choose the topics Finance, Career, Goals, Potentials for example.
We could also select all aspects, assigning a higher number to those that we consider to be more linked to the objective of the person being analyzed, or enter the subtopics if we want to be even more specific.
After this, we go to the start analysis option. After which, the application will show the progress by means of a percentage bar, which advances as it analyses each of the selected aspects.
Once the analysis is finished, the application will show you the list of aspects with which the analyzed person has greater resonance and needs to work to achieve the desired objective. These results can be filtered and sorted according to relevance, power and intensity.
At the top of each item, the application shows a percentage, which means how identified the person is with this particular point. The next parameter, which can be between 1 and 10, indicates how conscious this is for the person or not.
Then appears another parameter that can have letters and numbers, whose interpretation is done by means of the list of homeopathic powers.
For example, let us suppose that as a result of this analysis it shows us a percentage of 97%, an 8 and a D100,000. This would indicate that this is an aspect that is of great relevance to this person, and that she is quite aware of it, and it affects her on a material level.
An interesting point about this report is that it also provides us with a “Desired State” approach, which we can go over as a reflection or to repeat as an affirmation, to help us work through the blockage.
Actions and Vibrate
In the Action option, you must enter whether you want to send the analysis report by WhatsApp or email. This is completely optional, as you can also go directly to the vibrate alternative.
In this case, the next step is to choose how long you are going to run these frequencies among the time alternatives shown in the application. This depends mainly on the objective we are working on, or if it is a chronic problem or not.
A very useful recommendation is that for these applications, which usually vibrate on a daily basis for several weeks, is to modify the name of the analysis in the list, so that it is easier to locate it to send the frequencies at every opportunity, without the need to make the analysis from scratch.