Enhance your personal growth and development with this powerful tool.
As we know, Healy is an incredible device, as it provides us with support to increase our wellbeing in an integral or holistic way. This means that it is designed to positively impact the different areas of our existence.
It is clear that human beings are much more than our physical body, but that each person also has other aspects that function or operate together throughout our lives.
Thus, to ensure a full and rewarding life, it is not enough to feel physically well, but we need to develop ourselves on a personal level, achieving goals or objectives that make us feel satisfied and fulfilled.
In this sense, Healy represents a powerful coaching tool, providing support through its orientation and success modules. Both are focused on supporting us identify key areas for our personal growth.
In this article we will learn more about how these modules work and what are the advantages or benefits they offer us.
The Wheel of Life
To understand how the orientation and success modules work, it is necessary to know about a visual personal coaching tool developed by Paul Meyer. Its purpose is to support us identify graphically different aspects of our life and our level of satisfaction with them.
The wheel of life Is therefore a tool for self-analysis. It supports us to become aware of our situation, and the aspects that we must improve to increase our level of satisfaction.
In this way, we can have greater clarity about the direction in which we should focus our energy. That is, we can better establish our objectives and facilitate decision-making and planning of activities.
How to make the Wheel of Life
The Wheel of Life is made by drawing a circle, which we divide into different segments. These segments represent different areas, which are written outside the circle and whose number can be variable.
An example with 8 vital areas could include: personal growth, family, well-being, friendship, work, economy, relationships and leisure.
We then assign a score to each aspect of the Wheel. This scoring is done on a scale of 1 to 10, the latter being the highest level of satisfaction we feel about each area.
Then we join all the scores together to visualize the shape of the Wheel. If it is harmonious, it means that we have a certain level of balance. On the contrary, if the final shape is very irregular, it is necessary to improve satisfaction in one or some aspects.
The next step would be to draw up an improvement plan to work on the required areas. We should not necessarily start with the lowest scores, as this will depend on the circumstances. In any case, it is important to define strategies and set specific objectives.
Afterward, it is advisable to make a plan with lists of activities or actions to be taken, as well as schedules or execution times, which can be reviewed periodically to evaluate their achievement or make adjustments if necessary.
Coach Module
The coach module has two areas, depending on the Healy edition you have. With the Professional edition, we will have access to the complete coach module, i.e. the coaching and success modules.
If your Healy edition does not include the coach module, it is possible to purchase the personal education module, which has six aspects or six thematic areas, and/or the success coach module, which has four areas or four thematic areas.
The coaching module or personal module covers:
- Family relationships
- Personal relationships
- Self-esteem
- Emotional balance
- Social relationships
- Spirituality
So this module is designed to detect disharmonies in these aspects through the circle or Wheel of Life. This will allow you to make an analysis of consciousness to move on to do internal and personal work.
The module of success includes four areas, which are:
- Objectives
- Potentials
- Professional career
- Finance
How the Coach module works
First, you need to add a focus. Healy provides you with certain decrees or affirmations that you can work on in a general way, or you can write your own text, either a positive decree or affirmation.
Once the focus has been defined, you have to press the start analysis button. Thanks to this, you will obtain and visualize the wheel of life with the 10 aspects mentioned above, i.e. those of the personal and success module.
You will notice that the corresponding graph shows the values ranging from the center point, which would be a value of zero, to the outermost point, which would be a maximum value of 10.
It is worth mentioning that the graph also uses colors to facilitate the analysis. The highest values will be painted green, while the lowest values will be red, passing through yellow and orange tones in the intermediate scores.
The more green colors your Wheel of Life has, the more harmony or balance you have in the different aspects of your being. The more yellow, orange and red colors you have, the more imbalances you have.
A yellow aspect would be an aspect that we could work on. However, it would be more convenient to try to harmonize first those with a lower score and then move on to the others.
It is worth mentioning that the application will indicate us with a blue circle, which is the lowest value or aspect that we have to work on.
In addition to this, the application will allow you to vibrate the ideal frequencies that will support you to work on each of the aspects that are in disharmony or blockage in order to balance your bioenergetic field and enhance your holistic well-being.
As you can see it is a very interesting tool and above all it can be extremely useful when we want to work and improve our personal development.
So, if you still do not have your Healy device, do not think twice and get your Healy Resonance or higher, to enhance your personal growth, and all your well-being, walking towards a full and rewarding life in all areas.