Low back pain is one of the most common ailments today. It afflicts a growing number of people around the world. If you are one of them, you will be interested to know what Healy can do to alleviate this ailment.
Anyone who suffers from chronic low back pain knows how frustrating it can be to find an effective treatment. That’s why many are surprised to find Healy’s effectiveness in relieving lower back pain and pain in other areas of the body.
As we know, Healy is an innovative medical device that uses frequencies and microcurrents to treat various health problems, including lower back pain.
But before knowing how Healy can help you relieve your lower back pain, it is important to detail a little of what this condition is about, and what are the possible causes that trigger it.
Low back pain or lower back pain, possible causes
Low back pain is a common condition characterized by pain, stiffness or discomfort in the lumbar area, which is the lower part of the back.
This pain may be acute or chronic, depending on the frequency and intensity with which it is experienced, and may be localized to a specific point, or extend into the buttocks, legs or feet.
Back pain can be caused by a variety of factors, such as injuries, poor posture, overweight, stress, lack of exercise, herniated discs, arthritis, osteoporosis, among others.
Age is also a factor that can contribute to back pain, because as we age, our bones and muscles become weaker and more prone to injury.
However, low back pain or lumbar pain does not always have a physical cause, but is often a reflection of an unresolved emotional conflict or disharmony at the energetic level.
Low back pain according to biodescodification
According to biodescodification, a practice based on the idea that emotions and negative thoughts can be the underlying cause of certain diseases or physical ailments, low back pain can be caused by different emotional and mental factors that are related to the person’s experience.
In general terms, biodescodification suggests that low back pain can be related to the feeling of lack of support, security or stability in the person’s life.
For example, low back pain can be associated with the fear of losing financial stability, the feeling of not having a secure home or insecurity in personal relationships.
In addition, biodescodification suggests that low back pain can be related to the feeling of carrying a very heavy emotional or mental load.
For example, low back pain may be related to the feeling of having too many responsibilities in life, feeling overwhelmed by circumstances or having an emotional burden that cannot be released.
What are some ways Healy can help relieve low back pain?
Healy uses microcurrent technology to stimulate the muscles and nerves in the lower back. This stimulation helps improve blood and lymphatic circulation, which reduces inflammation and pain.
The device has specific frequency programs for various types of chronic pain. These help reduce the sensation of pain and improve the mobility of different areas of the body.
Within the Pain/Psyche module, available in any of the Healy editions, are the chronic pain and chronic back pain programs, which are specifically used to alleviate chronic back pain.
The application of these programs is extremely simple. Simply select the corresponding frequency program, and when the application prompts you to do so, place the electrodes on the affected area, start the program and wait the set time.
Healy is safe and non-invasive. In addition, it is compatible with other treatments and therapies, so it can be used as a complement to other treatments you are performing.
Energetic imbalances in the lumbar area
In the lower back we have the lumbar vertebrae, which protect the spinal cord, provide support and distribute the nervous system. As with every part of the body, the symptomatology that affects them alludes to conflicts that must be understood.
Lower back pain may be related to imbalances of various chakras or energy centers. They handle a lot of information from our individual and generational information field.
The root chakra or Muladhara or first chakra, is located at the base of the spine, in the lumbar area. It is associated with security, stability and grounding, and is related to the skeletal system, nervous system and adrenal glands.
The second chakra, sacral chakra or Svadhisthana, is located a few centimeters above the coccyx, in the lower back. It is associated with creativity, sexuality, emotions and vital energy.
The third main chakra is the solar plexus chakra or Manipura, it is located in the stomach area, but extends to the lower back. It is associated with willpower, self-esteem, personal power and digestion.
Imbalances in these chakras can affect a person’s emotional and spiritual health, as well as being related to lower back pain and other health problems.
For example, a blockage or imbalance in the root chakra or Muladhara can also manifest in problems in the skeletal system, such as osteoporosis.
An imbalance in the sacral chakra or Svadhisthana can manifest in the form of lower back pain and other problems in the pelvic area.
While an imbalance in the solar plexus chakra or Manipura is also associated with digestive problems, such as heartburn and indigestion.
Healy identifies imbalances causing lower back pain
Healy is a quantum device, which means that it is able to detect energetic imbalances at an informational level. In this way, we can identify the emotional and mental blockages that lead to a host of symptoms.
Lower back pain is no exception. That is why when we present this ailment, it is convenient to make an aura or resonance analysis. So that we can correctly interpret what our body is trying to tell us.
These analyses will allow us to become aware of the beliefs or blockages that we must work on to recover our energetic balance.
In addition, the device will also allow us to apply the specific individual frequencies that we need to work on those imbalances.
In other words, they will help us to improve our health and well-being at all levels, physical, mental and spiritual.
If you have not yet tried the wonders that Healy can do to relieve your lower back pain and enhance your well-being and vitality, start enjoying its extraordinary benefits today.