As we know, MagHealy is another revolutionary innovation from the same creators of Healy. It has been developed to harmonize your environment through the emission of a magnetic field.
In the words of its creator, Marcus Schmieke, MagHealy was the next step after the success achieved with Healy in the extraordinary task of increasing people’s holistic health and well-being.
MagHealy and his relationship with Carolyn McMakin
According to Schmieke, the feedback generated by the use of Healy became a source of inspiration to include the expertise of a talented researcher with more than 26 years of experience in the use of frequency-specific microcurrents, Carolyn McMakin.
This American professor, author of several books, has trained frequency therapists in the United States, London, Egypt, Australia, Germany, Eastern Europe and other parts of the world.
Marcus Schmieke himself witnessed her excellent results when he attended one of Carolyn’s seminars in 2014, where she used wet wipes for sending very low currents of 200 microamperes on different affected body parts.
Shmieke stated that it took her time to decide how to integrate this knowledge first into the timewaver and later into Healy. Whereas with Healy she seeks a therapeutic approach in a holistic way to help people balance their bioenergetic field.
But it was Carolyn herself who pointed out that the same frequencies that she applies electrically with wet wipes can be applied with an electromagnetic field. This requires two different magnetic coils, each with its own frequency.
Both frequencies are applied at the same time, one directed at the problem in the bioenergetic field if something is over-regulated, under-regulated, under-energized or over-energized; and the second frequency directed at the genetic tissue of the area in the body or bioenergetic field of the mind.
The combination of these two frequencies would be like two laser beams coinciding at the same specific point. Functioning as a complement to Healy to guide the bioenergetic field to a holistic state of greater coherence.
Local use of MagHealy
Because it works with the magnetic field, the MagHealy can work very precisely when applied locally, and you can use it on different parts of the body where you need it.
For example, it can be used on the knee, on the back, on the neck or on the chest for a global effect. It also has a considerable number of programs to increase the integration of the bioenergetic field.
MagHealy is therefore the innovative solution that allowed the integration of Carolyn McMakin’s legacy and her 24 years of experience, condensed in 24 specific protocols containing all the frequency series, in a useful way, without using wet electrodes or wires.
MagHealy and the energization of space
The big difference that distinguishes MagHealy from Healy is that MagHealy has an additional distinct application, which has to do with harmonizing the space around it.
This is because, when you have two powerful coils generating two magnetic fields with two different frequencies, you create a magnetic field in the shape of a toroid, which permeates the space in a radius of 1 to 1.5 meters.
Recall that space itself is not empty, but constitutes a network of energy that can vibrate. Therefore, as with water, it can be coherent or not. That is, space has energy and quality.
Many ancient cultures knew about this, as for thousands of years many masters observed living space and understood the energy of space and how it can interact with people. Marcus himself learned about it during his travels in India where he learned Vedic arts, astrology and geomancy.
MagHealy energizes the space around you, allowing you to be together with three or four other people within this vibrating aura by emitting frequencies.
This means that if you have a meeting, you can put the MagHealy in the center of the room and, according to the program you choose, calm the energy, enhance creativity or resolve conflicts, depending on the purpose you have.
It is also important to note that the electric current and the magnetic field generate each other like the electromagnetic waves of light. That is why you can use your Healy with electric current on your body and simultaneously be in this vibrant space of the magnetic field generated by the harmonizing frequencies of the MagHealy.
MagHealy location recommendation
The energy of the north is very important because that is where the energy comes in on magnetic nights. Therefore, you should be careful with what is placed in the north of your house, living room, or office. It is advisable that there is a window that lets the energy pass through.
It is also advisable that there are no shelves or heavy furniture in the north. The same as in the east of the house, so that the positive energy of the sun from the rotation of the earth enters and follows that direction.
In this way, the northwest constitutes an energy gateway to your space, so keep it clean and with few things. This will be the best place to place the Maghealy, so that it will work with the whole space from this position.
The magnetic field will have an effect on the bioenergetic system of humans, animals and plants in your house. Because our bioenergetic system is very sensitive to energy even low energy if it has the right frequency.
MagHealy covers a diameter of up to 3 meters. In which you can enjoy the magnetic field applications or programs of its four extraordinary modules available.
If you have not yet purchased it, do it right now so you can start enjoying its excellent benefits for your body, mind and the space around you.