Healy is a device that promotes your well-being not only at a physical level, but at an integral level. It also covers the emotional or mental aspect, working also as an effective tool to complement alternative therapies such as Bach Flowers.
Bach Flowers comprise 38 natural essences. They were discovered between 1926 and 1934 by the medical researcher and homeopath Edward Bach. He observed that emotions had an impact on the evolution of health disorders.
Bach also observed in his research that emotions have an important impact on both the mental and physical plane, and concluded that disharmony is the origin or main cause of disease.
He also determined that flower essences act on the state of mind, stabilizing thought. As a result, many of the physical symptoms derived from the somatization of such states of mind disappeared.
The researcher specifically identified seven areas of conflict in which the different emotional situations are included: fears, lack of interest, uncertainty, loneliness, hypersensitivity to external ideas, desperation and excessive concern for others.
The 38 Bach remedies are focused on treating the emotional state of people, not to suppress negative attitudes, but acting as a catalyst to manage them properly to transform them into positive attitudes.
Besides being an effective tool to manage emotions and increase well-being, Bach flowers have the advantage of not causing side effects or addiction, and can be used in conjunction with other medical treatments and alternative therapies.
The WHO recognized Bach flowers as a complementary therapy in 1975, and several studies have been done to demonstrate the efficacy of Bach flowers in several Universities in different countries.
How does the Healy Bach Flowers program work?
As we know, Bach flowers are not medicinal plant infusions or phytotherapeutic extracts, as they do not contain any active ingredients. However, they work because they focus on vibrational information.
Bach realized that some plant species were capable of counteracting the frequencies at which a person vibrated in certain emotional states, allowing them to restore their bioenergetic balance.
As we know, Healy is a device that works on this same principle. It works by emitting signals of specific frequencies that allow harmonizing the energetic imbalances of the body. It identifies them thanks to its quantum sensor.
The Healy Bach Flowers program provides the same frequencies of each of these flower species. In order to balance the negative emotional states that cause physical ailments, thus complementing this powerful therapy.
Bach Flowers and the emotional states on which they act
This flower is recommended for people who hide their problems under an appearance of pleasure and happiness. It is used to help them to accept and face the dark aspects of life, and to use laughter to dissipate them instead of hiding them.
This flower is used for vague, unknown fears with no apparent cause. Either a premonition, an unsettling anxiety that something unpleasant is going to happen, or a real terror with physical symptoms.
This flower is to be used for people who lack compassion and understanding of other people’s circumstances. This is usually manifested by outbursts of irritability.
This flower is the remedy for people who, being kind and caring, like to serve others. This can cause others to take advantage of them. Centaury strengthens courage and determination so that the person draws boundaries and feels free from the orders of others.
It is the flower for people who lack faith in their own judgment, both those who have difficulty making a decision, and those who once they make a decision are still full of doubts. Cerato helps them to strengthen their faith in their judgment and to trust their intuition.
Cherry Plum
This flower is for those who are afraid of losing control of themselves and doing something terrible. It is also helpful for the after effects of loss of control, frantic fear and hysteria.
Chestnut Bud
It is the remedy for people who are not able to learn from life’s lessons. That is, they pay so little attention that they do not learn from their mistakes and repeat them. This flower helps them to progress in this aspect and move towards new experiences.
Chicory is the flower for people who give love to their loved ones but expect to receive attention in return. So they feel hurt if they do not receive what they expect. This remedy helps them to give love unconditionally and freely, without codependency.
This flower is for people who dream or fantasize about the future or alternative presents, but with the mind disconnected from reality. This remedy helps them to put their feet on the ground, and act to build a better life instead of just dreaming about it.
Crab Apple
Known as the cleansing flower, it is used for people who feel there is something impure about them, or who dislike some aspect of their appearance, or have some obsessive and repetitive behavior.
Useful for people who suffer from a temporary loss of self-confidence due to an excessive burden of responsibility. This can lead to depression or self-doubt, problems that this flower can help to dispel.
This plant helps to lift the mood when we feel that things are not going very well. In this way, the affected person can feel less pessimistic and be prepared to try again.
This flower is used in people who have lost hope and feel great discouragement, so they refuse to be cheered up. The remedy helps to see things from a different perspective, so that they renew their faith and continue with more certainty.
This flower is for people who talk at length about what ails them, so they tend to be avoided by others. The flower helps them to appreciate their problems but share their concerns effectively, and not dump them indiscriminately on others.
It is the flower against anger and rage caused by hatred, suspicion, envy or jealousy. This remedy encourages generosity of spirit and contemplation of the world from a nobler perspective.
This is the flower for people who live anchored to the past, or who are frequently homesick for something or someone. The remedy helps to learn from the past without reliving it, to allow oneself to enjoy the present.
This flower is useful when you experience exhaustion without having made an effort, and that prevents you from facing the daily demands. It helps to lift the mood to start work, so that the feeling of tiredness disappears.
It is the flower against impatience, as well as the frustration and irritability it causes. This remedy helps people to be less rushed, and to regain calmness and balance to be more patient.
It is used for people who feel incapable or who are convinced that they will fail. They lack confidence in their abilities and prefer not to try. The flower helps them to move forward and take risks to get more out of life.
It is for anxiety generated by a known cause. That is, it is linked to normal, everyday fears, but also for people who suffer from phobias, or who are nervous or shy. This flower allows courage and strength to emerge in order to face daily challenges.
This flower combats deep sadness and depression that appears suddenly and without apparent cause. This results in a feeling of hopelessness. The flower helps to dispel this feeling and to recover joy, peace and serenity.
It is for strong people who never give up and work tirelessly. But who get frustrated and unhappy if illness or exhaustion prevents them from fulfilling their responsibility. The flower helps you gain wisdom and learn when to rest.
This is the remedy against physical and mental fatigue after a great effort. The flower allows restoring strength and faith to go on, helps to feel energized or to rest properly.
This flower is for people who feel guilty of something they did in the past, or responsible for the mistakes of others. It helps them understand that it is important to take responsibility, but that taking the blame and responsibility for others’ mistakes is not helpful.
Red Chestnut
It is the remedy for people who feel fear or exaggerated concern for the welfare of their loved ones. This has a negative effect on security. The flower helps to regain confidence to become a support instead of a source of worry.
Rock Rose
It benefits those who suffer from panic attacks or terror that makes it impossible for them to think or decide. This remedy provides calm and courage to forget the fear and regain the courage to continue.
Rock Water
It is used in those people who are too strict with themselves, submitting themselves to strong sacrifices to maintain the behavior they consider correct. The flower helps them to be more flexible and less rigid or severe.
This flower helps people who find it very difficult to make decisions, both big and small. Also for those who suffer from mood swings or motion sickness. The flower helps to connect with intuition, and to be able to make simpler and firmer choices.
Star of Bethlehem
It is the flower used to combat the after effects of shock or shock of any kind, even if they occurred years ago, as well as for the feeling of emptiness and loss. It helps to find comfort and overcome grief.
Sweet Chestnut
Sweet Chestnut is for people who have reached the limit of their endurance and tried all alternatives without achieving their goals. So they feel desolate and hopeless. The flower helps them to renew their hope and strength.
This flower is useful for people who are perfectionists, with a high sense of justice, enthusiastic and persuasive, but who can be fanatical and not open to listen to other points of view. This remedy promotes wisdom to enjoy life and the passage of time.
It is for mentally strong people who enjoy exercising power, but who may want to dominate others and expect absolute obedience and become tyrants. Vine helps to inspire and guide without the need to resort to force.
It is the flower for protection from outside influences and the effects of change. It is useful in all transitional stages of life, and also helps to break ties with the past, release unnecessary ties and suffering.
Water Violet
It is used in talented, capable and independent people, but because of their reserved and discreet character, they isolate themselves from the rest. So they give the perception of being proud. This flower helps to find a balance between isolation and relating.
White Chestnut
This remedy benefits when you have difficulty avoiding unwanted repetitive thoughts, worries and mental discussions. The flower helps to regain control of thoughts so that you can deal with each problem rationally.
Wild Oat
It is used for talented and ambitious people who have problems with the direction they should follow. So they change occupations quickly and become frustrated. This remedy helps to find the vocation and connect with the purpose of life.
Wild Rose
It is the flower for people who accept everything that life gives them, to the point that they give up trying to fulfill themselves as people. The remedy helps you revive interest in life, and replace apathy with a sense of purpose that will give you more joy.
It is useful for people who feel resentful and dissatisfied with their lives, and feel disgust for the success of others. This flower helps them to be more aware of how harmful that attitude can be, and to be more generous with praise for others.